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Join date: Jun 3, 2022


PostCatcher is a binary newsreader intended to be used with post-processing software. It provides a way to search and retrieve information from Usenet News group postings in a fast and reliable manner. PostCatcher supports multi-threading and will speed up the search process. It also supports saving links to files which can be downloaded later on. Its primary purpose is to provide a data archive or search tool. It is not intended to replace a normal newsreader application. PostCatcher Features:Printing (retrieving) full texts of posts.Memory Management: Save and recall scans for future use.Keywords and Filters: Modify the appearance of messages for future viewing.Scan date: Show messages only from certain time periods.Scan size: Select only large or small messages.Sorting and Thumbnails: Sort messages with custom criteria.Download and post-processing: Post-process messages using a variety of methods.Reload: Reload previously saved posts.Help: User's manual.Scans can be saved to an input file which can be retrieved at a later time for further processing.PostCatcher is distributed as a binary package which requires the originalpost-processing software to function properly. There are no translations available.PostCatcher Installation:It is distributed as a binary package requiring SYSVELF and UMMODE package installation.PostCatcher is a screen interface program which will be run from a command shell.PostCatcher has the following directory structure:/usr/pkg/pc/bin/pcIn the current directory you will find the PostCatcher programin the file PC.EU4.bin, which may be executed from the command shell.PostCatcher User's Manual:PostCatcher User's ManualPostCatcher - featuresSYSTEMscans directory=DIRsave scan=SAVEFILEload scan=LOADFILEpost-processing(optional) print text of postsprocess input=INPUTFILEhelpHow to Use PostCatcherPostCatcher allows you to do the following:Scan Directory: You specify the directory in which to search for news(including newsgroups). Newsgroups may be specified in a variety ofways, but PostCatcher will allow you to use the following:A single line of text: Will search for all newsgroups beginning withthe specified text.A wildcard: Will search 08929e5ed8

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